Shani­qua Bas­combe of Cougars Ath­let­ics Club, Devin Au­gus­tine of Point Fortin New Jets (PFNJ) and Jerod El­cock of Abi­lene Wild­cats, who re­cent­ly wrapped up ex­treme­ly suc­cess­ful sea­sons com­pet­ing Na­tion­al As­so­ci­a­tion of Ath­let­ics Ad­min­is­tra­tions of T&T (NAAATT)

ju­nior Cham­pi­onships will be part of the lo­cal con­tin­gent that leaves to­mor­row to com­pete at the North Amer­i­can, Cen­tral Amer­i­can and Caribbean (NACAC) Un­der-18/U-23 Cham­pi­onships.

The trio will seek to con­tin­ue their dom­i­na­tion on the track at the three-day meet which starts on Fri­day and runs un­til Sun­day in Quere­taro, Mex­i­co.

Girls' U-17 200m Carif­ta cham­pi­on, Bas­combe, is aim­ing to com­plete the sprint (100m/200m) dou­ble in the girls U-18 cat­e­go­ry so too El­cock in the boys U-23 cat­e­go­ry while Au­gus­tine will face the starter in the boys U-18 100m. He will then part­ner with Jay­don Moore (Mem­phis Pi­o­neers), Sha­keem Mc Kay (Abi­lene Wild­cats) and Justin Guy (Kaizen Pan­thers) in the 4x100m re­lay.

Some two weeks lat­er, Bas­combe will join Tyriq Hors­ford (Zenith), a five-time Carif­ta javelin cham­pi­on, at the Pan Amer­i­can Ju­nior Track and Field Cham­pi­onships in San Jose, Cos­ta Ri­ca from Ju­ly 19-21. Ear­li­er this year at the Carif­ta Games in the Cay­man Is­lands, Hors­ford struck gold in the boys’ U-20 javelin.

The NAAATT al­so named an eight-mem­ber team for the NACAC U-13/U-15 Age Group Cham­pi­onships (El Sal­vador) from Ju­ly 26-27.


Ju­ly 5-7: NACAC U-18/U-23 (Quere­taro, Mex­i­co)

Boys U-18: Devin Au­gus­tine (PFNJ) - 100m/4x100m; Jay­don Moore (Mem­phis) - 100m/4x100m; Sha­keem Mc Kay (Abi­lene) - 200m/4x100m; Saeed Pom­pey Charles (Mor­vant Jets) - 400m/4x400m mixed; Je­sa­iah Jones (DPAC) - 400m/4x400m mixed; Justin Guy (Kaizen Pan­thers) - 110m hur­dles/4x100m.

Girls U-18: Shani­qua Bas­combe (Cougars) - 100m/200m; Leah Bertrand (Sim­plex) - 100m/200m; Rae-Anne Serville (Mem­phis) - 400m/4x400m mixed; Tae­jha Badal (Un­at­tached) - 400m/4x400m mixed.

Boys U-23: Jerod El­cock (Abi­lene) - 100m/200m; And­wuelle Wright (Kaizen Pan­thers) - Long jump; Che Richards (Oa­sics) - long jump

Of­fi­cials: Durly Lu­cas (man­ag­er), Wen­dell Williams (Jumps coach), An­tiona Bur­ton (Sprints coach), Kelvin Nan­coo (Sprints coach), Keisha Fras­er (mas­sage ther­a­pist).

Ju­ly 18-21: Pan Am U20 Cham­pi­onships (San Jose, Cos­ta Ri­ca)

Boys: Jabari Fox (PFNJ) - 200m; Che Lara (Abi­lene) - 400m; Kelsey Daniel (Kaizen Pan­thers) - long jump/triple jump; Jay­don An­tione (Neon Wolves) - long jump; Tyriq Hors­ford (Zenith) - javelin; Justin Guy (Kaizen Pan­thers) - 110m hur­dles

Girls: Aaliyah Stanis­claus (RSS Phoenix) - 100m/200m/4x100m; Ak­i­lah Lewis (Con­corde) - 100m/4x100m; Shani­qua Bas­come (Cougars) - 200m/4x100m; Tae­jha Badal (Un­at­tached) - 400m/4x100m/4x400m; Tamia Badal (Un­at­tached) - 100mH/400mH/4x400m

Ky­moy No­ray (Zenith) - javelin; An­tiona Sealey (Ful­fill­ing Ath­let­ic Dreams) - javelin/hep­tathlon; Ta­tian­na Mar­tinez (Mer­cury) - 400m/4x400m; Caliyah Wal­lace (Cougars) - 4x400m

Of­fi­cials: Dawn Wash­ing­ton (man­ag­er), Na­dine Hamid (throws coach), Reynold Porter-Lee (mul­ti event coach), Dave Sandy (Sprints/Hur­dles coach), Ar­lon Mor­ri­son (Jumps coach), An­tho­ny Wal­cott (mas­sage ther­a­pist), Clint Mc Ken­zie (mas­sage ther­a­pist)

Ju­ly 26-27: NACAC U-13/U-15 Age Group Cham­pi­onships (El Sal­vador)

Boys U-13: Im­mani Matthew (To­co Ti­tans) - pen­tathlon; Tyrique Vin­cent (Con­corde) - pen­tathlon

Girls U-13: Kaori Rob­ley (Mer­cury) - pen­tathlon; Chloe James (Mer­cury) - pen­tathlon

Boys U-15: Keone John (Mem­phis) - hep­tathlon; Do­ri­an Charles (PFNJ) - hep­tathlon

Girls U-15: Janae De Gannes (Zenith) - hep­tathlon; Gi­an­na Paul (Un­at­tached) - hep­tathlon

Of­fi­cials: Ar­lon Mor­ri­son (man­ag­er), An­na-Lee Wal­cott (mul­ti events coach), Welling­ton Wil­son (mul­ti events coach), Ver­na Ed­wards (mul­ti events coach/mas­sage ther­a­pist)
