Top ju­nior na­tion­al sprint­er Shani­qua Bas­combe and Jaden St Louis are Cougars Track and Field Club Se­nior "Sports­woman and Sports­man of the Year".

Jani­ka "Hulk" Jor­dan and Jor­dan Noel were ad­judged as the "Ju­nior Sports­man and Sports­woman of the Year" at Thurs­day's Christ­mas din­ner and awards cer­e­mo­ny held at the VIP Room at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, Mu­cu­rapo.

Bas­combe, 15, is the reign­ing Na­tion­al As­so­ci­a­tion of Ath­let­ics Ad­min­is­tra­tions (NAAA) na­tion­al 100 and 200 me­tres Un­der-17 cham­pi­on. Bas­combe was al­so sec­ond at the Carif­ta Games in the 200m be­hind Bre­an­na Williams of Ja­maica. This was the third award won by Bas­combe in the past three years.

Al­so shar­ing the night's spot­light were mul­ti-event ath­lete 12-year-old "Hulk" Jor­dan and sprint­er Jor­dan Noel (13) as the club in­tro­duced two new awards, the Ju­nior "Women's Ath­lete of the Year" and Ju­nior "Men's Ath­lete of the Year".

Fea­ture speak­er Olympian na­tion­al Shot Put cham­pi­on Cleopa­tra Borel wowed the young ath­letes when she told them the sto­ry about "The Hare and the Tur­tle” as it per­tains to Cougars.

Borel, who ad­dressed the Club in 2014, said “Four years ago, right here I asked you the Cougars ath­letes to be like the wise old mule and ‘Shake It Off and Step Up'. It is clear for all to see that Cougars have stepped up and shak­en it off as you are the best club in T&T. She asked the Cougars fam­i­ly to ex­pand their ex­cel­lence in 2019 and be­yond".

Pres­i­dent of the T&T Olympic Com­mit­tee (TTOC) Bri­an Lewis was his usu­al elo­quent self in his short mes­sage. He dis­cussed us­ing ad­ver­si­ty and seem­ing­ly hope­less sit­u­a­tions to el­e­vate one­self to­wards vic­to­ry.

He warned, “Don’t bend to peer pres­sure. Many peo­ple whom you be­lieve are your friend may not nec­es­sar­i­ly be seek­ing your best in­ter­est. In fact many of your friends, and re­mem­ber this, are not seek­ing your best in­ter­est.

"Mis­ery loves com­pa­ny and you bet­ter un­der­stand that many around you want you to fail, I beg you not to give up your ca­reers by fol­low­ing bad ex­am­ples and friend who are not do­ing the right things."

Ho­n­our Roll

Ju­nior Sports­man of the Year: Jor­dan Noel

Ju­nior Sports­woman of the Year: Jani­ka Jor­dan

Se­nior Sports­man of the Year: Jaden St Louis

Se­nior Sports­woman of the Year: Shani­qua Bas­combe

U-9 Vic­tor: Sean Hart

U-9 Vic­trix: J’nae Bertete

U-11 Cham­pi­on Dis­tance Ath­lete Fe­male: Sha­nia Thomas

U-11 Cham­pi­on Dis­tance Ath­lete Male: Isa­iah Alder

U-11 Vic­tor: Makae­lan Woods

U-11 Vic­trix: Jene­ice Bur­ton

U-13 Cham­pi­on Dis­tance Ath­lete Fe­male: Kayleigh Forde

U-13 Vic­tor: Tyrell Springer

U-13 Vic­trix: Jani­ka Jor­dan

U-15 Vic­tor: Jor­dan Noel

U-15 Field Event Vic­tor: Isa­iah Gemon

U15 Vic­trix: Ka­res­sa Kir­ton

U-17 Vic­tor: An­drew Bra­vo

U-17 Vic­trix: Shani­qua Bas­combe

U-20 Vic­trix: Joan­na Rogers

U-20 Vic­tor: Jaden St Louis

Most Dis­ci­pline Ath­lete (Girls): Kayeigh Forde

Most Dis­ci­pline Ath­lete (Boys): Michael Jack
