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International Federations are the Organizations responsible for their respective Sports on a global basis. The International Federations have as affiliates the National Sporting Associations, who in turn have the clubs as its affiliates. The International Olympic Committee recognizes thirty-odd International Federations, whose Sport feature on the Olympic programme. Twenty-three International Federations govern the Summer Olympics, five the Winter Olympics and one covers both a Summer and Winter Sport. Other Federations are recognized by the International Olympic Committee, but their Sports have not yet been admitted to the Olympic programme, as they have not yet fulfilled the criteria as laid down in the Olympic Charter. The responsibilities of the International Federations are to regularize and standardize the Rules of their respective Sports, and also to cover the Legislation, Organization and Development of the said Sports. They are also responsible for the technical running of their respective Sports at the Olympic Games, e.g., constituting the Juries of Appeal, selecting Umpires, Referees, Timers and ensuring the legality of the various events.