Page 11 - Team TTO PARIS 2024
P. 11

Roberts has very fond memories of that Tokyo outing. Sixty years later,
            Mottley’s silver is still the country’s best 400 performance at the
            Olympics. Lalonde Gordon is the only other T&T quarter-miler with an
            Olympic 400 medal, his 2012 bronze earning him membership in the
            elite club of two.

            Asked to give an all-time list of T&T’s top quarter milers, Roberts
            does not hesitate.

            “First Wendell, then Kent.” In Roberts’ estimation, Mottley is
            unchallenged for the number one ranking, with Bernard in second
            spot. Jereem Richards, the 2022 world indoor champion, is listed
            at number three.

            Machel Cedenio, Ian Morris and Skinner are also on the all-time
            list, though Roberts does not name them in any particular
            order. “There’s Cedenio and Morris too. Skinner’s in there as
            well. And Mike Paul was also good.

            “As for me,” Roberts continues, “I’ll put myself in the top ten.”

            An all-round sprinter with strong credentials in the 200 and
            400 as well as the 100m dash, Roberts represented T&T
            with distinction throughout the 1960s and into the early
            70s. Thanks to his long international career, Roberts
            teamed up with many other T&T quarter-milers in the
            4x400m relay. He creates a special category, and lists
            two of his teammates at the top.

            “For smoothness and grace, effortless running, I have
            Kent and Charlie Joseph.”

            Roberts remains one of T&T’s most prolific athletes,
            earning a combined 16 items of precious metal at
            the Olympics, Pan American Games,
            Commonwealth Games and Central American and
            Caribbean (CAC) Games.

            Six medals were earned in the 200m/220 yards,
            six in the 4x400m/4x440 yards, two in the
            100m/100 yards, and two in the 4x100m. Each
            medal is treasured. The 1966 Commonwealth
            Games 4x440 yards gold medal performance,
            however, has a special place in his heart.

            In 1962, George Kerr outdueled Roberts to
            steer hosts Jamaica to CAC Games gold in
            the 4x400m relay, the T&T quartet earning
            silver. Four years later, again in Jamaica,
            Roberts got his revenge. In 1962, he tried
            to pass Kerr on the bend, but was halted
            by an elbow.

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